Cogentis Pty Ltd


Cogentis website - Terms of use:

This statement provides the terms of use for the Cogentis website. By using the website, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms of use. The material on this website reside on a server in the state of New South Wales, Australia. You agree that the law applicable to the use of the material, and disputes arising out of the material, is the State of New South Wales, Australia.


Cogentis Pty Ltd materials, including pages, documents and on-line graphics, are protected by copyright law. Apart from any fair dealing for purposes of study, research, criticism and review, as permitted under copyright legislation, no part of this web site may be reproduced, re-used or redistributed for any commercial purpose whatsoever, or distributed to a third party for such purpose, without written permission from Cogentis Pty Ltd.


Cogentis assumes no duty of care for, or makes any warranties, guarantees or representations regarding the currency, correctness, accuracy, reliability, or any other aspect regarding characteristics or use of the material, information and content presented on this website.

By using this site, you acknowledge that Cogentis have no control over, and can accept no responsibility for, circumstances which are outside our control, including:

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Cogentis Pty Ltd ABN 74 106 436 506
2/ 18 Salisbury Rd, Asquith. NSW. 2077

Telephone: (02) 9482 4114

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